Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Wow it's February already, Mum's kept me bust over the school holidays - we went to Adelaide last week which was hot but fun. We stayed very near the beach so nearly everyday we were making sandcastles in our p.j's on the beach before 9am!!! It was great fun playing with my friends Zoe, Jarrod and baby Aiden. I also went to my Great Nan's who is 91. I loved playing with her birthday hat which was made for her to wear at her 90th. I even went to the pub for lunch with her. It was really too hot to do much else- We didn't get to go to any parks. Maybe next time.

Mum told me the other day that I was going to become a big brother in August - I'm not sure what this means but it sounds OK.

I will try to keep this more updated during the upcoming weeks, also I'll put a new photo link up.

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